Thursday, February 21, 2013

2013 Update!

Wow, its been a long while but here is my update for the new year as of February 2013:

I've also included products that I have been using throughout 2012.

I plan to resume blogging as well!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I absolutely suck at bunning!

I have seen some stunning buns - stun buns - stunning bunning!

Over the next few weeks I will try my hardest to learn and rock a new cute bun.

My resources will include youtube channels (I will shoutout all I use), forums, and anything I can get my hands on!

I will document this whole challenge of mines on my youtube channel : cherishedenigma!

Please feel fee to help me out on this quest, I can sure use it!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shedding VS Breakage

Finding your hair everywhere, but on your head?
It could be one of two things: Shedding or Breakage.

According to biology, shedding is a natural process of the hair growth cycle:

Hair growth begins in the Anagen phase where the hair develops in the follicle and begins to grow.

In the Catagen phase, hair reaches its end of growth and the bulb detaches from the follicle at the end of this phase.

Finally, in the Telogen phase, the hair strand is just hanging out until it is pushed out (shed) by a new hair strand growing in the follicle beneath it.


  • Each strand of hair is at its own stage of development
  • Average growth for a human head is roughly 6 inches/year or 1/2 inch/ month
  • Genetics determine the span of the growth phase
  • 85% of head hairs are currently in the Anagen phase
  • Cantagen phase last for about roughly 2 weeks
  • Telogen phase last between 1-4 months.


Hair breakage, on the other hand is not natural.


  • Over-processed hair
  • Dry Hair
  • Chemically damaged hair
  • Rough combing/brushing
  • Hair snapping on clothing fibers
  • Brittle, weak hair
  • Heat damaged hair
  • Bad diet

Shedding or Breakage

Its easy to mistake shedding with breakage. You can identify whether your hair has shed or broke off by looking for a very small white bulb at the root end of the strand. If you can't identify a small white bulb, it is likely like that hair has broken off instead of naturally shedding from the head.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tips I Have Learned Thus Far

Here is a video about some tips I have learned throughout my journey so far.

I am still learning, but these tips might help any new voyagers.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Weekly Rollerset

I try to rollerset my hair once a week.

By rollersetting, I can throughly detangle my hair, manage single-strand-knots, and tangles.

I also achieve a light, bouncy, voluminous hair style that I wear for a couple of days.

I start on freshly washed and conditioned hair.

ORS Olive Oil Leave In
Cantu Shea Butter Leave In
Water (In water bottle)
Fine tooth comb
Big clips
Small clips
28 Red Magnetic Rollers

How I wear my results:

Friday, October 28, 2011

From Relaxed to Texlaaxed

Texlaxed? What is that??

Using a relaxer to briefly loosen the curl pattern of your hair. This involves applying the relaxer to my new growth ONLY and letting it sit for no longer than about 5 minutes.

The time will vary depending on how well your hair takes the relaxer.

But, why?

I decided to start texlaxing my hair because I have very fine hair. I have noticed that bone-straight hair gives me more of a moppy-look which does not flatter my round face at all.

I also like the texture of a more loosen curl pattern, because...well...I LOVE curls!

My texlaxed hair has much more volume, less prone to breakage, and makes braidouts look even better!

I have just love the way my hair looks and feels when it is texlaxed as opposed to bone straight.

So why Texlaxed and not Natural?

I am not ready to go completely natural (One day....maybe).

I love natural hair, I like my natural hair - or at least I like the way my new growth feels- but at this point in life, I am concentrating on growing out healthy texlaxed hair.

I feel like I get the best of both worlds being texlaxed:
- I dont have to go through as much trouble when detangling my hair
- I get to enjoy some texture and volume
- I can easily mimick natural styles
- I can straighten my hair easily as well
- I love not knowing how long my hair is due to shrinkage until I actually straighten it

My Nightly Routine: Braidout Result in the Morning

Every night I will putm y hair up in two french braids/ corn rows after moisturizing and sealing with my Cantu Shea Butter Leave In cream and my oil mixture for a braidout style in the morning.